The great benefit of living with, working for, or being

related to people who have experienced more of life than you have is picking their brain for advice.

和比你有生活经验的人一起生活、或为之工作、或和他们有联系的 的益处莫过于可以从他们那里得到建议。

The most effective people learn from their own mistakes, and make a significant effort to learn from other peoples errors as well.


A Quora thread asked users for the best advice theyve ever gotten.Here are a few of the greatest excerpts, lightly edited for clarity:


1. Never say but.

不要说“但是” 。

A very smart woman I worked with once told me that if I eliminated the word but from my professional vocabulary, Id find greater acceptance for my ideas, and greater cooperation from my team members... The word but negates everything that precedes it, and you cast a negative spin on anything you say when you use it... But is exclusive and isolating; and is inclusive and welcoming.


2. You never get anything unless you ask.


It was a professor in my university, but I believe its origin is from somebody famous: If you dont ask, the answer is always no.

“这句话是从我大学的一个教授那儿听到的,但我觉得这句话是源自一句名言:如果你不去问,那么答案永远是 ‘不’。”

3. Think before you complain.


Dont complain. I think it was phrased as something like, Do you ever listen to someone complaining and think, This is a great conversation!?Being negative doesnthelp others, and it doesnt help you.


4. Time is the one thing you never get back.


A mentor I had some years ago told me that time is the one thing that you can never get back. If you look at it as an asset,you can donate it, spend it, or waste it.Whatever you do with it,it is gone once it passes.


5. Attitude is more important than talent.


I have been time and again repeatedly told that a strong positive attitude takes a man farther than his talent. There are many greats in sports,

entertainment, politics, science, and art who had great talent but lost on huge counts only because of a faulty and shaky attitude.

“我被反复告诫,和天赋相比,积极的态度能让人走得更远。体育、娱乐、政治、科学和艺术等方面有很多人都富有天赋,但 终却输的很惨,原因就在于他们的态度不够端正。

Attitude helps you solve problems talent cannot.Attitude helps you navigate through problem talent hides.


6. Quality is always greater than quantity.


If youre going to do something, do it well enough to avoid doing it the second time. Going back to do something the second time is a time-waster if you knew it can be done right the first time.Even writing this post, Im putting in my best effort into editing it,explaining it, and making it easy and enjoyable to read — to avoid going back and fixing any grammatical errors.


7. Be reliable.


Do what you say youre going to do.


8. Do the right thing.


Advice from Charlie Munger (not proffered personally): The safest way to try to get what you want is to try to deserve what you want.

“从查理-芒格那里得到的建议(不是亲自得到的):想得到东西的 安全的方式就是努力去让自己理应得到想要的东西。”

9. Slow down.


When I was in my 20s I worked as a waiter at a very popular restaurant I found it very difficult to keep up with the orders and,consequently, my tips were very low.


One of the very experienced servers took me aside and she said, Slow down and take longer steps. Youll feel more relaxed and your customers will see that and trust you.


If you slow down, you have time to think and plan better. Taking longer steps means more than just how you move through a space. Its about looking ahead and covering more ground, encompassing more than just the task at hand.


10. Everyone ends up in the same place.


At the end of the game, the king and the pawn go back in the same box. —Italian Proverb

“在游戏的 后,国王和小兵都会回到同一个盒子里。” ——意大利谚语

When you really think about this, in the end we all end up the same. You cant take your money and fame with you after you die.

“你仔细想想,到 后其实我们都是一样的。金钱和名誉都是生不带来死不带去的。”

11. Time is not money. Its better.


Always choose time over money. Contrary to what people say, time is not money. Time is much much more than money. At the end of your life, its guaranteed you will be out of time and more than likely out of money as well, if you didnt value time.

“在时间和金钱前,要选择金钱。和人们说的不同,时间不是金钱。时间比金钱要重要的多。在你生命的尽头,你肯定会没时间,如果你不珍惜时间的话, 很有可能也没钱。”

12. Dont worry what other people think.


Stop being so self-conscious because absolutely nobody is paying any attention to you anyway — they are only paying attention to themselves.

“不要那么不自然,因为 没人注意你。——他们只会注意自己。”
