


第一章 总则

第一条 合同的目的

1.1 甲方与乙方根据本合同的规定,约定乙方承担的建设工程的设计、施工、监理、设备采购、材料采购、试车、调试、交付使用等工作,甲方支付工程款项。

1.2 本合同的目的是为了确立工程的设计、施工、监理、设备采购、材料采购、试车、调试、交付使用等工作的各方责任和义务,明确工程的质量、进度、安全和合同价款等方面的要求,保证工程的质量和合同的履行。

Article 1 Purpose of the Contract

1.1 Party A and Party B agree, according to the provisions of this Contract, that Party B shall undertake the design, construction, supervision, equipment and material procurement, commissioning, trial operation and delivery of the construction project, and Party A shall pay the engineering fees.

1.2 The purpose of this Contract is to establish the responsibilities and obligations of all parties involved in the design, construction, supervision, equipment and material procurement, commissioning, trial operation and delivery of the construction project, clarify the requirements for the quality, progress, safety and contract price of the project, and ensure the quality of the project and the performance of the Contract.

第二章 工程范围

第二条 工程范围

2.1 工程名称:×××。

2.2 工程地点:×××。

2.3 工程规模:×××。

2.4 工程内容:×××。

2.5 工程工期:×××。

2.6 工程价款:×××。

2.7 工程质量标准:×××。

Article 2 Scope of the Project

2.1 Name of the Project: ×××.

2.2 Location of the Project: ×××.

2.3 Scale of the Project: ×××.

2.4 Content of the Project: ×××.

2.5 Duration of the Project: ×××.

2.6 Contract Price of the Project: ×××.

2.7 Quality Standard of the Project: ×××.

第三章 工程设计

第三条 工程设计

3.1 乙方应当按照甲方提供的工程规划、技术要求、工程量清单、预算等文件进行工程设计,设计文件应当符合国家和地方有关技术标准和规范的要求。

3.2 甲方应当按照合同规定的时间和要求审查乙方提交的设计文件,并及时提出合理的修改意见。

3.3 乙方应当对甲方提出的修改意见进行认真研究,及时进行修改,并重新提交修改后的设计文件。

3.4 设计文件的变更应当经过甲乙双方协商一致,并在书面形式上确认。

Article 3 Engineering Design

3.1 Party B shall design the project according to the engineering plan, technical requirements, engineering quantity list, budget and other documents provided by Party A, and the design documents shall comply with the requirements of relevant national and local technical standards and specifications.

3.2 Party A shall review the design documents submitted by Party B in accordance with the time and requirements stipulated in the Contract, and timely provide reasonable modification opinions.

3.3 Party B shall carefully study the modification opinions proposed by Party A, make timely modifications, and resubmit the modified design documents.

3.4 Changes to the design documents shall be agreed upon by both parties through consultation and confirmed in writing.

第四章 工程施工

第四条 工程施工

4.1 乙方应当按照设计文件和合同要求进行工程施工,施工过程中应当加强质量、安全、进度和成本的管理,确保工程质量、安全和合同的履行。

4.2 甲方应当按照合同规定的时间和要求对施工现场进行监督和检查,发现问题及时提出处理意见。

4.3 施工过程中,如发现原设计文件存在问题或者需要进行修改,应当及时向甲方提出修改意见,并经过甲方同意后进行修改。

4.4 工程竣工验收应当按照国家和地方有关法律法规和技术标准的要求进行,验收合格后方可交付使用。

Article 4 Engineering Construction

4.1 Party B shall carry out the engineering construction in accordance with the design documents and the requirements of the Contract, strengthen the management of quality, safety, progress and cost during the construction process, and ensure the quality of the project, safety and performance of the Contract.

4.2 Party A shall supervise and inspect the construction site in accordance with the time and requirements stipulated in the Contract, and timely propose handling opinions if problems are found.

4.3 If problems are found in the original design documents or modifications are needed during the construction process, Party B shall promptly propose modification opinions to Party A and carry out modifications after Party A agrees.

4.4 The completion acceptance of the project shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of relevant national and local laws and regulations and technical standards, and can only be delivered for use after passing the acceptance.

