
1. 涨停板/跌停板:Limit up/limit down

2. 股票代码:Stock code

3. 股票价格:Stock price

4. 股票数量:Stock quantity

5. 股票市值:Market value of stocks

6. 买入:Buy

7. 卖出:Sell

8. 市价单:Market order

9. 限价单:Limit order

10. 做T:T+0 trading

11. 开盘价:Opening price

12. 收盘价:Closing price

13. 高价:Highest price

14. 比较低价:Lowest price

15. 涨幅:Rise

16. 跌幅:Fall

17. 换手率:Turnover rate

18. 市盈率:Price-earnings ratio

19. 市净率:Price-to-book ratio

20. 股息率:Dividend yield

21. 融资融券:Margin trading and short selling

22. 股权质押:Pledge of shares

23. 股票回购:Share buyback

24. 配股:Rights issue

25. 增发:Additional issuance

