

如图12所示,带红色*号项为必填项,需要核对无误.对于”额定载客(含驾驶员)”一栏,客车需要填写,而半挂牵引车和载货车则填写为零;对于”较大设计牵引质量”一栏,半挂牵引车需要填写,而其它两种车则填写为零.界面缺少的实车参数,用户自己可以直接填写,然后保存,进入”下一步”模拟运算计算界面.As shown in figure 12, items marked with red * are items required to be filled out, and are required to be verified as correct. It is required to fill out the column “rated passenger capacity” (including driver) for bus, and fill it out with zero for semi-trailer traction vehicle and truck; it is required to fill out the column “maximum design traction mass” for semi-trailer traction vehicle, and fill it out with zero for the other two types of vehicle; for physical vehicle unavailable in interface, user can fill out directly by themselves, then save, and enter “Next Step” simulation calculation interface.
选取轮胎规格或输入滚动半径Select tyre specification or input rolling radius
在”请选择轮胎规格”方框内输入模拟车型的轮胎型号,程序会计算出滚动半径;如果缺少轮胎规格直接输入滚动半径和轮胎类别.Input tyre model of simulation vehicle model in box “Please select tyre specification”, the program will calculate rolling radius; if tyre specification is unavailable, input rolling radius and tyre category directly.
读取编写文件Reading/writing of file
单击模拟运算计算界面上的读取文件按钮,程序弹出如图14 所示对话框,逐步单击确认格式,下面方框会显示用户自己编辑的输入文件数据,请用户确认数据和格式的正确性;如果格式错误,程序会报错,请用户在输入文件夹中按照3.1 的格式要求修改输入文件中相应文件的格式,点击重置文件再次逐步确认格式.数据确认无误及格式不再报错后,点击确定返回键.Click reading-file button on simulation calculation interface, the program will pop up dialogue box shown in figure 14, click to determine format step by step, the following box will show input file data edited by users themselves, and ask users to confirm correctness of data and format; in case of format error, the program will report error, and ask user to modify the format of relevant files in input files as per the format requirements of 3.1 in input file folder, and click reset file to confirm format step by step again. After confirmation that data is free from error and format is free from error report, click confirmation return key








