


trade term/ price term价格术语  world / international market price国际市场价格

FOB (free on board)离岸价       C&F(cost and freight)成本加运费价

CIF (cost, insurance and freight)到岸价   freight运费     wharfage码头费

landing charges 卸货费    customs duty关税      port dues港口税

Import surcharge进口附加税       import variable duties 进口差价税

commission佣金                 return commission回佣,回扣

price including commission 含佣价     net price净价

wholesale price批发价               discount / allowance折扣

retail price零售价                   spot price现货价格

current price现行价格/时价          indicative price参考价格

customs valuation 海关估价          price list 价目表

hire-purchase分期付款购买    fluctuate inline with market conditions随行就市

unfair competition不合理竞争   dumping商品倾销

dumping profit margin 倾销差价,倾销幅度      ant dumping 反倾销

customs bond 海关担保               chain debts三角债

freight forwarder货运代理             trade consultation 贸易磋商

mediation of dispute商业纠纷调解      partial shipment 分批装运

restraint of trade贸易管制     RTA (Regional Trade Arrangements) 区域贸易安排


Balance Sheet:The world’s biggest banks paint on a vast canvas. Many operate with a single, global balance sheet, raising money where it’s the cheapest and investing it where earns the highest return. So in certain countries, banks can have more liabilities than assets. Regulators allow them a free hand on assumption that if one of their national operations runs into trouble, the home office will quickly route it all the funds it needs. (Bloomberg Businessweek, September, 2013)

那么在这个例子中,balance sheet是什么意思呢?根据科林斯高阶英汉双解词典, balance sheet的意义为a written statement of the amount of money and property that a company or person has, including amounts of money that are owed or are owing. Balance sheet is also used to refer to the general financial state of a company.即资产负债表的意思,但是在这句话里是这个意思吗?显然不是。事情的因果关系是:各大银行力求做到低成本,高收入;美联储收紧外资银行资本和流动性,包括更高的资本要求和新的保证金账户要求。美联储需衡量各种方案,使短期融资的风险反映到融资成本上。再结合上下文中的operate with a single, global balance sheet, raising money where。我们可以得知balance sheet在这里并非指资产负债表,而是指各大银行在当今事件背景下的统一做法,即银行在“全球统一的融资投资方式”。


