
1. 询问火车班次

Excuse me, what time is the next train to Shanghai?(请问,下一班去上海的火车什么时候?)

2. 询问座位

Can I have a window seat, please?(请问我能坐在靠窗的位置吗?)

3. 购买车票

I want to buy a ticket to Beijing.(我想买一张去北京的车票。)

4. 询问车票价格

How much is a ticket to Guangzhou?(去广州的车票多少钱?)

5. 询问火车时刻表

Can you give me the train schedule for today?(请问今天的火车时刻表是什么?)

6. 询问火车站位置

Excuse me, where is the train station?(请问火车站在哪里?)

7. 询问火车站设施

Is there a restaurant in the train station?(火车站里有餐厅吗?)

8. 询问到站时间

What time will the train arrive in Shanghai?(火车什么时候到达上海?)

9. 询问行李存放

Where can I store my luggage?(我可以把行李存放在哪里?)

10. 询问到站后交通

How can I get to the hotel from the train station?(我怎么从火车站到达酒店?)

