








出卖人应当在商品房交付使用后t日内,将办理权属登记需由出卖 人提供的资料报产权登记机关备案。如因出卖人的责任,买受人不能在规 定期限内取得房地产权属证书的,双方同意按下列第2项处理:
买受人退房,出卖人在买受人提出退房要求之日起/日内将买受 人已价款退还给买受人,并按已付房价款的赔偿买受人损失。
买受人不退房’出卖人按已付房价款的I %向买受人支付违约金。
(受人退房,出卖人在买受人换出M要求之已付房价 龙(不含定金)退还給买受人,并向认的人双倍速还定金.„


买受人购买的商品房为商品住宅的,《住宅质量保证书》作为本合同的 附件。出卖人自商品住宅交付使用之日起,按照《住宅质量保证书》承诺的 内容承担相应的保修责任。
买受人购买的商品房为非商品住宅的,双方应当以合同附件的形式详 细约定保修范围、保修期限和保修责任等内容。
在商品房保修范围和保修期限内发生质量问题,出卖人应当履行保修 义务。因不可抗力或者非出卖人原因造成的损坏,出卖人不承担责任,但可 协助维修,维修费用由买受人承担。

Article 15 Promise on Ownership Registration
Within 180 days after the Seller delivers the commercial house, the Seller should provide the materials for ownership registration to the ownership registration authority as a record. If the ownership certificate hasn’t been got within the time stipulated due to the Seller, both parties agree to manage it according to the following Method 2:
1.If the Purchaser cancels the contract and the Seller should return all the effected payment to the Purchaser within X days after receiving the notification of canceling the order, and pay X% of effected payment to the Purchaser as a penalty.
2.If the Purchaser doesn’t cancel the order, the Seller should pay 1 % of the total effected payment to the Purchaser as a penalty.
3.If the Purchaser cancel the order, the Seller should pay the total effected payment(except  the deposit )  and double amount of the deposit as a penalty to the Purchaser    ;

Article 16 Responsibility for Housing Warranty
If the commodity house is for residence use, Residence Quality Guarantee should be regarded as the Annex of the contract. The seller should assume corresponding warranty responsibility since the delivery date of the house according to the commitments in the Residence Quality Guarantee.
If the commodity house is for non-residence use, both parties should sign a supplemental agreement as the Annex on the warranty scope, period and responsibilities etc in details.
When the commodity house has any quality problem within the warranty scope in the warranty period, the Seller should perform the obligation of warranty. If the damage is due to the force major or not due to the Seller’s reason, the Seller should not perform the responsibility, and could assist in maintaining, but the maintaining expense should be borne by the Purchaser.

